Monday, 20 February 2017

Back too it.....

So its time to start module 2.

Task 4a is asking us to create lines of enquiry based on our professions, to think about questions we can investigate further that will expand our knowledge and carry through to benefit our future.

This degree so far has brought to light the constant battle i have regards to being a teacher and also a performer. Although they are both with in the dancing field they are very different at the same time, so creating questions to investigate further is a task in its self when it comes to deciding which career to base them on. I started by separating the two careers and thinking of ideas for both.

Self performing ideas:

- Is our talent or our looks more important in today's industry?
- How does a performer maintain confidence after leaving full time training?
- How does a performer deal with the uncertainty of our industry?

Teaching ideas:

- How is it different teaching older advanced pupils, to primary aged children?
- When as a teacher do you intervene with possible home issues?
- How do you decide which is the correct conduct of behaviour management?
- What is different about teaching in a school school environment to a social environment?

After considering both options i decided to go with the ideas most relevant to my every day current profession which is teaching. I am also doing the BAPP arts course to enable me to further my teaching career so i can teach at a higher level (GCSE, A level. Post 16.) So these lines of enquiry will benefit me and expand my knowledge for future projects.

I also found that the questions relating to teaching are more likely to get more factual and relevant answers than the performing questions.

Any thoughts then please share, have a made the right decision?