Sunday, 27 November 2016

Task 3a. Current Networks

As everyone knows using networks are now how our world goes round. We all have Facbook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, the list is endless. It is deemed to be strange if you do not have any of the above. For me Facebook is the core of all my Networking, from contacts i have on there with in the performing industry, to finding jobs and auditions on private set up groups which you can become a member of. I also use it as a way of posting photos and videos for people to see my performing experience and skills as well as personal chit chat between friends and family. As well as a variety of things, I use my Facebook to contact my employers - a lot of my performing work is organised through Facebook messenger which again is a very important aspect of my professional practise.

Networking communication apps such as Whatsapp are also a huge part of my Daily networking. Whatsapp messenger is the core of my teaching companies communication. All the coaches are in contact through this to allow us to keep track of what everyone is up to and allows us to ask for help and give each other advice when needed. If there is a change in the timetable this is where we will be alerted and re arranged. Although this is a private way our company communicates, it is still a form of networking with in our own select group.

Over the last year and especially over the period of the BAPP course so far, being a teacher as well as a performer has made me very aware of what i do post online and making sure all my settings are private. I have to ensure it is very difficult to find my profiles through search engines so students and fellow higher members of staff are unable to find me. However, on the flip side ideally having a public page would make publicity and advertising my self as a performer much easier and beneficial regards to making my self known and gaining work. Its safe to say even though i use my dancing and performing with in my teaching career, these two professions are polar opposites when it comes to social networking. This course has made me think about making two separate accounts and perhaps even coming up with a performing stage name which will allow me to keep the two of them very separate and undetected.

Pros and cons to Networking sites when you have two different careers! Lots of consideration to go into this!

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