Sunday 27 November 2016

Task 3c.

Task 3b not quite finished but here is 3c.

3c. Sources.

There are three types of sources from where we gather and recieve information. These are called- Primary, secondry, and tertiary. These terms determine whether or not the information is either the original source of evidence, information created that wasn't experienced first hand or database/bibliography information.

My sources of information are:

1. The Internet. I think this source is probably the most common. If there is anything you want to know the Web has the answers. This links back to task 1 where we explored the ideas of Web 2.0 as social media holds a lot of information its self. However, when using the Internet you have to careful as to where the information has come from, who has posted it and is it reliable. This links in with the above regards to primary, secondary and tertiary.

2. Employers/fellow coaches/performers. Generally people you work with are a good source of information especially if they are working with in your line of enquiry. For example if I need information or advice on behaviour management, fellow coaches may have good advice and techniques they use which I could apply . Or if I need information on which fire equipment to use when performing then fellow performers may of hand first hand experience with a good product (primary source.)

3. Books. For example i use a book called 'drama games for the classroom' To find drama games for my classes. This is a secondry source which helps me keep my lessons interesting and fun.

4. The BAPP course has supplied us with sources in the form of our readers. This allows us to take bits of information to use with in our work to help us grow our knowledge and understanding of our topics.

If I think of anymore I may use I will add them to my blog :)


  1. One source of information you could consider (if you think it is a source?) is a "live aspect" for example theatre, lectures, any performance. I took so much information when I was at college from going and seeing plays and shows I would have to write about. Also currently in my profession I got to seminars and trainings where I always learn new things. Possibly a 5th option for you?

    1. Thanks! I never saw that as a 'source' but you are totally right! You always learn so much form seeing shows or attending lectures! Ive been doing some shadowing of other dance coaches recently and learnt a lot so i guess that could be a source too!

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